职业规划 树立目标 长远规划 一年内规划 英语作文

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:一篇题材为职业规划的英语作文 一篇题材为职业规划的英语作文 ,字数120左右 As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering. I always wa…


一篇题材为职业规划的英语作文 ,字数120左右
As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering. I always want to design their own professional staff and art computer design to enhance their professional learning. Just enter the school at the University, with a lot of hopes and illusions, it will also be full of confusion. I think I should do T-shaped professionals. Out of college, and strive to win the community the opportunity to practice. More respect, to find really suitable for their own. In the work of cultivating the ability to increase the handling capacity of things, human relationships, such as processing power. Engaged in design work, design their own brands, so a designer. This semester also choose to enjoy this art class, I am artistic, very yearning, is also pursuing, although there was no professional training. But I still hope that they can make their own personality to come.


Study the following set of cartoons carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) describe the cartoons,

2) state its main idea, and give your comment.

You should write about 160―200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes. While the male student spends all his time and money playing Internet games, the female student studies diligently. One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard, while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to. The above images encourage students to value their time in school and take advantage of educational opportunities. While students dream of being accepted into college for years, they often become lost once admitted. Without their parents’ constant support and advice, or because of limited communication with teachers, many students are unable to focus on their future goals.

Such confusion leads some to forget their studies and resort to playing on the Internet,among other forms of recreation. Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strivetowards them. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one’s studies.

Constantly playing on the Internet leads to failure, while continuously studying guarantees success. Students need to appreciate their time in school, and work hard in order to ensure a good future.







