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4.3 The different endings of the two plays
The endings of Romeo and Juliet and The Butterfly Lover seemed to be the same, but in fact, they were quite different. The Butterfly Lover was a love tragedy. It reflected the contradictions existing between the advanced youth and the backward social system. But it did not deject people after they enjoyed it. On the contrary, it stirred up people’s courage and confidence to pursue freedom and happiness, for it ended the love story with a romantic plot: Liang and Zhu became two butterflies upon death. They flied in the blue and bright sky together, a beautiful rainbow hanging in the sky, thousands of kinds of flowers sending out wafts of delicate fragrance. What a beautiful picture it was! How could a person feel sad at such pretty scenery? Of course not. On the other hand, people grieved at the end of Romeo and Juliet. Both lovers won their love, but with the sacrifice of their lives. At the same time, the two families turned toward each other and swore friendship and peace,and the lament entangled people for a long time. People cannot help feeling sad and tearful when the play finished. The end of The Butterfly Lover changed the basic atmosphere of the play. By contrast, the end of Romeo and Juliet added a sad atmosphere to the whole play[18][P490].

5. Conclusion
Love is an everlasting topic. Romeo and Juliet and The Butterfly Lover, these two pretty love stories, were both the odes to youth and love. They were just like two sisters, but lived in different countries. And because of the distinct cultures, there exist differences in theme presentation, characterization, and play construction. With this further investigation of these differences, we gain a more direct view of the conflict between love and feudalism. Meanwhile, it will surely help strengthen us in our pursuit of love[19][P28].


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友谊的颜色(The color of friendship)

友谊的颜色(The color of fri
