
来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:英语作文语言技能 组段 段落是由一群若干语义相关的句子围绕一个中心思想组合在一起的写作单位,是比词和句子更高一级的写作单位,是句子与篇章的中间层次,是连句成篇必须经过的一个过渡阶段。文章的段落中心是否突出、层次是否分明、展开是否合理、衔接是否自然。…






1. 主题句

主题句是全段的灵魂,它表达段落的中心思想,概括地提供中心思想发展的线索,并规定段落展开的范围。因此具有概括性、指向性及限定性。它可以放在段落的开头、中间或结尾。但更宜放在段首,这样可以开门见山地点明全段的主题,有利于作者理清思路, 使文章更加紧凑,中心突出,同时也有利于阅卷老师领会作者的意图。例如:

Though the governments of Great Britain and the United States are quite different, they share basic similarities in some aspects. First, the British Parliament is made up of Lords. Likewise, the U.S. Congress has two divisions—the House of Representatives and the Senate. Next, the essential function of the British Parliament is to make laws; a bill has to be presented to both houses for debate to get passed before it can become a law. In the United States, the House of Representatives and the Senate play similar functions. Third, the Prime Minister in Great Britain appoints the members of the cabinet, who serve as advisors and make government policies. In the same manner, the U.S. President appoints his cabinet, which is composed of heads of the governmental departments. Finally, the British monarch (queen or king) has the right to veto a law. The U.S. President can also refuse to sign a bill passed by the Congress.

本段的主题句出现在段首, 指出英美两个国家的政府机构虽然有很大不同, 但在一些方面则存在着相同之处。然后列举了四个共同点来说明英美两国政府实质上的一致性。作者在段落一开始就点明中心思想,给读者留下较深的印象。

2. 辅助句


Advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls a victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and they have not always been satisfied.


3. 转折句


Money cannot necessarily bring us happiness. Some people are poor but they are still happy, because they hold an optimistic view to life, and can remove all the obstacles in the way under the help and support of their friends and relatives. By contrast, some rich people are busy in earning money in their lifetime, and hence neglect their friends and love. They have had a large amount of money and lead a luxurious life, but they may feel lonely inside.

Looking forward...Tomorrow is another day!

Looking forward...Tomo

Looking forward...Tomorrow is another da…