行动比想法有效 Action Is Better Than Thoughts

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:I always have many thoughts in my mind, like I will finish my homework quickly and then go out for fun, but the truth is that I wi…
I always have many thoughts in my mind, like I will finish my homework quickly and then go out for fun, but the truth is that I will not finish it until the last minute. Yesterday, my uncle came to visit my parents, he just finished his trip in Vietnam. My uncle is my hero, he has traveled many places and I dream to be a man like him. I asked my uncle how he prepared for his trip, he said he just booked the ticket and the hotel and scanned the tourist information, then he would to there without hesitation. He said most people had planned a lot, but in the end, they would miss the trip and then gave up. Actually, action works much better than thoughts, because only when you face the problem, you will know how to fix.

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