49. Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.
50. Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid, but none fully address the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context.
51. There are no immediate solutions for reversing the Asian financial crisis, but convincing affected nations to practice fiscal restraint will be highly beneficial.
52. Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive. However, public recognition of the necessity to provide a better quality of life for millions of people will represent the first step in finding effective solutions.
53. What dose the future hold if mankind persists in wasting natural resources? While no one knows for sure, scientists do exhibit a degree of certainty when predicting that future generations will face a dramatically different world.
54. Reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes. A keen awareness of right from wrong is essential for determining appropriate social behavior.
55. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals who dedicated their lives to making the world a better place. However, we must not rest on their accomplishments, but must instead work assiduously to record even greater achievements.
56. The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1.2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land. Despite the monumental difficulties involved, Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards.
57. We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.