
来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:1)并列谓语的时态一致。 【例如】Yesterday I went shopping, bought some books and had dinner at a good restaurant. The soldier looked at him, exch…

好学英文网导读:1)并列谓语的时态一致。 【例如】Yesterday I went shopping, bought some books and had dinner at a good restaurant. The soldier looked at him, exchanged glances with his comrade and took out the gun. 2)主从复合句的时态一致


【例如】Yesterday I went shopping, bought some books and had dinner at a good restaurant.

The soldier looked at him, exchanged glances with his comrade and took out the gun.




I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

I wonder what happened to him yesterday.

I wonder what is happening now outside.



He told me he made a big mistake.

He told me he would go to Beijing the next day.

He told he had finished his task.

The teacher told students that the earth moves around the sun.(客观真理)



The universityswhereshe is studying was founded in 1950.

You now speak English better than you spoke it last year.



We will cancel our trip if it rains tomorrow.

I will go to visit the Summer Palace as soon as I arrive in Beijing.


Looking forward...Tomorrow is another day!

Looking forward...Tomo

Looking forward...Tomorrow is another da…