
Editor Note:中国瓷器,历史脚步留下的一个亿万产物,China Is Made In China .您通过这句话足可见中国瓷器的底蕴之深!好学英文网今天就给大家共享一篇双语美文,让大家了解下中国瓷器在世界上的地位吧,一起分享。
Joozone Editor Note:THE West's trade with China has been at the forefront of globalisation since the days of Marco Polo. Pieces of eight, minted out of South American silver, crossed the Pacific and were used up and down the coast of Asia. Indeed, interruptions in this silver trade ultimately helped bring on the collapse of the Ming dynasty in China in the early 17th century. Later exchanges of tea, spices and then opium served to enrich Western merchants, particularly from Britain.
By the 18th century, British, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and American trade with China was so well established that the new wealthy merchant class it created had taken to emulating the trappings of the landed gentry, designing coats of arms and commissioning entire porcelain services on which to flaunt them. No marriage or promotion was complete without a specially made plate to commemorate it.
This upward social mobility gave rise to a new phenomenon, the manufacture of Chinese porcelain and paintings for the export market.
Two centuries on, Chinese export porcelain attracts a quite different collector from those seeking Chinese porcelain proper. Whereas all Chinese treasures—whether jade, porcelain, lacquer, bamboo or rhinoceros horn—have an aesthetic appeal that prizes rarity, delicacy and symbolism above all, export porcelain speaks to the academic collector or, less politely, the “anorak” or “train-spotter”. The form is based on Meissen or other soft-paste porcelain, but it is not really European. Nor is it particularly Chinese, although it was made there.