
来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:先说第一点,形象化。这其中又分两点来讨论, 第一是以形象化的语言来表达具体或抽象的意思。所谓形象化的语言就是指能够具体表达动作的动词等,如put, take, get, give, come, go等等。口语较好的人都知道这些单词的重要性,几乎每次说话都要用得…

6. Listen, since we're on the subject...(听着,既然我们谈到了这个话题…)

7. I got really hot in my pants, so I took them off. But they must have shrunk from the sweat, or my legs expanded from the heat. I can't get them back on!(这条裤子太热,于是我就把它脱了。没想到的是,要么是因为出汗以后裤子缩水了,要么是我的腿受热膨胀了。我再也穿不回去了!)

8. A month into our marriage, he started to beat me.(结婚一个月后,他开始打我)

9. Paul knows we’re onto him.(鲍比知道我们在嘀咕他)

10. At the end, you choked on a cookie.(到后来,你被一个曲奇饼卡住了)

11. Some people are just into appearances.(有些人只看外表)

12. You're still into Monica.(你始终对莫妮卡念念不忘)

13. Daniel Meade, you’re the only one in this room who was born into his job.(丹尼尔,你是这个房间里唯一一个生来就得到这份工作的人)(指继承他父亲的工作)

14. Are you serious? After what you and Daniel have been through?(真的吗?你和丹尼尔经历了那么多?)

15. He’s staying with me through the weekend.(他整个周末都会陪着我)




