
来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:一. 激情(passion):英语学习中唯一理性的动力。 1. 学习语言需要激情。人生需要激情。成功需要激情。自信来自激情。 2. 激情造就天才 3. 运用激情的方式 二. 激情联想学习法在英语学习中的运用。 1. 用激情联想征服词汇。 词汇英语之根;秘招联想…

d. 独自锻炼联想(一册语音,背诵2,3册,大声跟读,模仿语调(WOA/BBC),独自讨论辩论法,高声描述法)

l Do you like music? What do you think of Madonna and Michael Jackson?
l What\'s the relation between the sports field and the battlefield?
l What do you think of the difference between the white-collar workers(白领工人)and blue-collar workers(蓝领工人)?
l What do you think of the saying \"Wealthy man tends to be bad while a bad woman tends to be wealth\"?

l Money can buy everything that you want.
l There\'s no true and pure friendship between man and woman.
l Capital punishment should be abolished.
l Health is wealth.
l Computer will control the human being.

3. 激情联想快速突破英语听力
l 速成论的误区。
l 一本教材突破听力的误区。
l 突击提高听力的误区
a. 长期的过程(经验),因为激情你不再苦闷,因为激情你豁然开朗!
b. 练习听力的最佳材料及时间
c. 提高听力的方法(电影、英文歌曲、周润发)
d. 精听与泛听。
e. 如何通过新概念提高听力。(不同版本及不同级别的运用)

4. \"英语阅读\"中的如何走出误区
a. 技巧论→泛读与精读
b. 阅读方法联想漫谈

5. 激情联想学习法在\"英语写作\"中运用。
a. 正确(初级)→多样化→美化(激情联想的运用)
I like music.
I am fond of music.
I am crazy about music.
I take great interest in music.
Music exerts tremendous fascination on me.
b. 形式三段论-内容三段论
c. 超级模仿好句型,语法重点尽在文中。

Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. NCE BOOK Ⅲ

Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. NCE BOOK Ⅲ


英语作文点评:Generation Gap 代沟

英语作文点评:Generation Gap
