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摘要:joozone 提示,本文来源baidu百科,版权归百度所有,如需转载请注明来自百度或者 www.baidu.com,英语作文网旨在为大家提供一个英语写作平台,宣传好的英语作文写作方法。谢谢支持本站。 英语作文的基本要求: 首先,一个段落必须有一个中心即主题思…

The next morning, when the lady walked past the pet shop, she pretended that she didn’t see it. But the parrot saw her at once and said to her quickly, "Hey lady."

She stopped and looked at the bird coldly. "Yes?" she answered in an angry voice.

The bird, sitting up straight and smiling at her, said, "You know." hxw.red


Elizabeth Bennet (伊丽莎白)

The second daughter in the Bennet family, and the most intelligent and quick-witted, Elizabeth is the protagonist of Pride and Prejudice and one of the most well-known female characters in English literature. Her admirable qualities are numerous—she is lovely, clever, and, in a novel defined by dialogue, she converses as brilliantly as anyone. Her honesty, virtue, and lively wit enable her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade her class-bound and often spiteful society. Nevertheless, her sharp tongue and tendency to make hasty judgments often lead her astray; Pride and Prejudice is essentially the story of how she (and her true love, Darcy) overcome all obstacles—including their own personal failings—to find romantic happiness. Elizabeth must not only cope with a hopeless mother, a distant father, two badly behaved younger siblings, and several snobbish, antagonizing females, she must also overcome her own mistaken impressions of Darcy, which initially lead her to reject his proposals of marriage. Her charms are sufficient to keep him interested, fortunately, while she navigates familial and social turmoil. As she gradually comes to recognize the nobility of Darcy’s character, she realizes the error of her initial prejudice against him.

Bennet家庭的第二个女儿和最聪明和机智,伊丽莎白是自豪感和偏见的主演和其中一个在英国文学的最知名的女性角色。 她令人敬佩的质量是numerous—she是可爱的,聪明,并且,在对话定义的小说,她一样精采地交谈象任何人。 她的诚实、美德和活泼的机智使她在胡话之上起来,并且弥漫她的坏行为类跳起和经常恶意的社会。 然而,她的伶俐的口舌和倾向经常做仓促评断带领她迷路; 自豪感和偏见本质上是故事她(和她真实的爱, Darcy)怎样克服他们自己的个人failings—to发现浪漫幸福的所有obstacles—including。 伊丽莎白必须不仅应付一个绝望的母亲,一个遥远的父亲,二非常表现的更加年轻的兄弟姐妹,并且几位势利,对抗的女性,她必须也克服Darcy她自己的错误印象,最初带领她拒绝他的求婚。 而她驾驶家族和社会动乱,她魅力是充足保持他感兴趣,幸运地。 当她逐渐来认可Darcy’s字符的贵族,她体会她对他的最初的偏见错误。


joozone 提示,本文来源baidu百科,版权归百度所有,如需转载请注明来自“百度”或者 www.baidu.com ,好学英文网旨在为大家提供一个英语写作平台,宣传好的英语作文写作方法。谢谢支持本站发展,有问题找论坛:bbs.hxw.red 。


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