Ⅳ 著录网络出版物
著录网络出版物必须标明出版物的上传日期和论文撰写人上网查询的日期(date of retrieval),标明网址。条目中网址如需断开换行,必须在“/”之后或者“.”之前,网址中不得出现空格。
网络期刊(online journal)上的文章
Bleich, Eric. “From International Ideas to Domestic Policies: Educational Multiculturalism in England and France.” Comparative Politics 31.1 (Oct. 1998): 6 pp. Expanded Academic ASAP. Middlebury College 2 Aug. 2003
该例中,“6 pp.”表示文章有6页,“Expanded Academic ASAP. Middlebury College”为网页名称,“2 Aug. 2000”为论文撰写人上网查询的日期。
2. 网络上的独立文本(Stand-alone document)
Eilola, John. “Little Machines: Rearticulating Hypertext Users.” 3 Dec. 1994. 14 Aug 1996
3. 大学网页上的文献
Felluga, Dino. Undergraduate Guide to Literary Theory. 17 Dec. 1999. Purdue University. 15 Nov. 2000 < theory2.html>.
4. 网络上的参考资料(Online reference source)
“Fresco.” Britannica Online. Vers. 98.2. April 1998. Encyclopedia Britannica. 8 May 1998 <>.
注意:本例中“Vers. 98.2”为版本,“April 1998”为出版日期,“Encyclopedia Britannica”为出版人。
Ⅴ 列举参考文献时所用到的缩写(Abbreviation)
bk. , bks-----book, books cf.---compare ch. ,chs-----chapter, chapters ed., eds----edition, editions et al---- et alii, “and others ” no., nos—number(of issue), numbers p., pp.---page, pages pt., pts----part,parts qtd—quoted rpt—reprinted Uni--- University vol., vols-volume, volumes
Ⅵ 其它文内规范
E.g. Twenty-two years thirty dollars,124 years,$29.9 5261 voters
e.g Learners of Spanish tend to overuse certain idiomatic expressions, e.g., irse todo en humo (“to go up in smoke”).
4. 正确使用图表,图表:必须有序号和题目,并标明单位,序号和题目置于其正上方,单位置于其右上方。题目应简短确切,一般不超过一行。须有自明性,即:不阅读正文的读者也能够理解图或表的意思。例如:
正确:Table 4.1 sums up the results of data analysis.
错误:The following table sums up the results of data analysis: