好学英文网导读:成就四级写作高分的技巧汇总 学英语四级写作也是一个选择的过程,考生应有意识地选择新颖的表达法、高级的词汇、复杂的句式、贴切的例句、修辞语言、名句或谚语等,使之成为吸
一、选用新颖表达( unusual expressions)
学生在平时应注意打造作文的高分亮点,以提高英语书面表达的能力。语言不一定非要有多难, 但一定要新颖, 学生要有意识地尝试选择和替换。
1、用新颖的、有别于常人的表达来替换老套的、平庸的语言( unusual r eplacing usual) , 如:
松手: 用let go of 代替release
容易: 用a snap, a piece of cake 代替easy
困难: 用demanding, beyond one. s power代替difficult
举例: 用a ( good) case in point, like, say 代替for example, for instance;
新的: 用brand- new, fr esh, up- to- date,the latest 代替new
旧的: 用worn, outdated, used, second -hand 代替old
感谢: 用be grateful to, be obliged to, ap2preciate, gratitude 代替thank.
2、用具体的下级词汇代替抽象的上级词汇( concrete replacing abstract) , 如:
走路: 用sail, stroll, stride, sashay, tiptoe,slip代替go
颜色: 用purple, pink, violet, dark green 代替color
鲜花: 用tulip, rose, marigold, jasmine, 代替flower
费用: 用tuition, fee, toll, fare, revenue,admission 代替expense
笑: 用smirk, giggle, beam, grin, ridicule代替laugh
说:用groan, murmur, exclaim, complain代替say.
3、用高级的四级词汇替代初、高中基本词汇( advanced replacing basic) , 如:
疲劳: 用fatigued 代替tired
承认: 用acknowledge 代替admit
怀疑: 用be skeptical 代替doubt
演讲: 用delivery 代替speech
责任: 用responsibility 代替duty
意义: 用implication 代替meaning
棒极了: 用fabulous, gorgeous, br avo, terrific, splendid 代替good, great.
4、用短语代替单词( phrases replacingwords) , 如:
仔细地: 用with care 代替car efully饶有兴致地: 用with great interest 代替interestingly
( 不)可能的: 用out of ( the ) question 代替( im) possible
忍受: 用put up with 代替bear
期待: 用look forward to 代替anticipate
不知道: 用have no idea, haven't the slightest idea 代替don't know.
5、用从句代替单词( clause replacingwords) , 如:
言: 用what he says 代替his words
行: 用what he does 代替his action
潜在意思: 用what is implied 代替the im2plied meaning
包含内容: 用what is included 代替the in2cludedcontent
人类成就: 用what human has achieved 代替human. sachievements.
6、用/ 动词+ 同源形容词+ 同源名词0 来代替/ 动词+ 副词( v. + adj. + n. replacing v. +adv. ), 如: