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摘要:成就四级写作高分的技巧汇总 学英语四级写作也是一个选择的过程,考生应有意识地选择新颖的表达法、高级的词汇、复杂的句式、贴切的例句、修辞语言、名句或谚语等,使之成为吸…

匆匆结束: 用bring to a hasty end 代替end hastily

仔细观看: 用take a close look 代替look at( sth. ) closely

武断判断: 用make arbitr ary judgments 代替judgearbitr ar ily

飞速发展: 用undertake rapid development代替develop rapidly

热情招待: 用offer hospitable treatment 代替treat hospitably

快速反应: 用make an immediate response代替respond immediately

完全掌控: 用have complete mastery 代替mastercompletely.

二、变换多种句型( varied sentence patterns)


1)Nowadays there is a growing concern over, . Many people like , , while others are inclined to, ( 对照关系句型)

2) With science and technology developing faster and faster. . . ( 比较关系句型)

3)For years ,has been viewed as ,But people are taking a fresh look at it now. ( 转折关系句型)


1) However,may cause some problems. First, it is , . Second, . . . . Finally,So,it is clear that , has its advantages and disadvantages. ( 列举式句型1)

2)The explanation for this problem involves many factors. For one thing, For another,Still( 列举式句型2)

3) Although , has a great advantage, it can't compete with , in ( 让步关系句型)


1)On the whole, it is high time that we r ecognized the significance of , ( 总结性句型1)

2) Judging by the figures, we can draw a conclusion that , . ( 总结性句型2)

3) In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the pr oblem of , . Only in this way can , in the future. ( 总结性句型3)


失衡句指的是故意违反句子的平衡布局, 通过颠倒语序、重要信息后置等手段将作者的说话意图留在最后,给人一种出人意料、意犹未尽的感觉, 常为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等的变形。适当运用失衡句往往可以凸显文章的闪光点。

1) I can do this. 可以表达为: This is what I can do.

2) I'm not sure whether he can go with us. 可以表达为:Whether he can go with us is not sure.

3)Unless you get the boss. s favor, you can. t go on a business trip. 可以颠倒顺序为:You can. t go on a business trip unless you get the boss. s favor.

4) If you really want to stay here, you are welcome. 可以改变为: You ar e welcome to stay here, if you really want to.


合理运用同位语和插入语也是为文章增色的措施, 这样不但能增加文章字数, 还可以提高阅卷者对作文的印象分。

It is an undeniable fact that envir onmental pollution becomes increasingly serious. Mr. Smith, professor of Harvard University, will come to our school at the end of this se2 mester.

多变的句型为你的文章增光添彩, 提高你的作文档次。在英语书面表达中, 如果写出的句子类型单一, 文章就会显得单调乏味, 容易让人疲倦。有些考生一味使用简单句, 不会使用较复杂的句子, 如强调句、倒装句、主从复合句等, 因而显得水平很低。写作时, 我们应特别注意将长短句结合, 并注意固定词组、固定句型以及各种从句的运用, 有意用上被动语态、虚拟语气、定语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词、倒装句、强调结构等等。




你价意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 如何做一名三好…