
来源:英语作文网  作者:本站整理
摘要:2010年高考即将来临,英语作文网特为大家提供一篇备战2010高考的文章,希望对您备战有所帮助。在这里joozone.com所有工作人员先预祝大家学习进步,顺利备考! 正文: 我们针对考生共性问题,总结了如下几点,希望大家参考: 一、坚持使用英语,提高使用英语…

I'm interested in collecting stamps, which help me learn a lot about history home and abroad. School life is still vivid in my mind. I think every student has one impression in common: we have too many numerous examinations, especially, during the last term. Well, that's part of the life.

记得快 写得准 用得活
英语无难处, 词汇一通, 万事无忧.
单词学习应和学习策略的培养和应用结合起来.学习单词要适当了解一些英语的构词法,它可以帮助学习者发现英语单词的构词法特点,词义与词形的关系,并能主动扩展单词量, 提高学习效率.
H means Honesty, which is to being honest to everyone. O means Love, that is to love country and our homeland. P means Protection, that is to protect animals and plants. E means energy, that is to save energy, resources….

"Without grammar little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed."
abroad absence accept accident according achieve actual address admire admit adult advance advantage adventure advertisement affect afford alarm alive although amaze analyze ancient announce anxious anyway apart apartment apologize appear apply appointment appreciate argue arrange ashamed aside assistant astonish athlete atmosphere attach attack attempt attitude attract audience author available average avoid award aware awful
baggage balance bargain behave belong besides beyond biology blame blouse bother brief button cabbage cause ceiling celebrate century character charge cigarette citizen coast combine commercial common communicate companion compare compete complex composition concern conclusion conduct congratulation connect consist construction consume content continent contribute control convenient cottage courage crime culture cure curious curtain custom
damage dangerous debt declare defeat defense defend degree delay delicious delight demand describe desert design desire destroy detect determine devote direct disappear disappoint disaster discussion disease distance district disturb divide double doubt dozen due duty edit education effect effort employ empty encourage engine entrance equal equipment escape especially exactly except exchange exhibition exist experience experiment expert explode exploit express extremely
fade failure faith familiar fault female fence festival fetch figure finance flash flame float flood focus forbid forecast fork fortnight fortunate fortune freedom frequent fridge (refrigerator) function furniture garage generally gesture gradually graduate guide guilty habit handle hesitate hire illegal immigrate include increase indicate influence inform injure insist inspire institute instruction instrument intelligence intend interrupt interview introduce invent invite instead
journalist journey junior justice
keyboard kick lately lawyer lecture liquid literature local luggage
major majority material measure medal media mental mention mercy merely method multiply
narrow native nervous normal novel nuclear observe obtain obvious occupation occupy occur offer opinion opposite optimistic original
particular passive patient permit persuade plastic poison position positive precious predict prevent private process profit proper protect provide purpose puzzle
quality quantity quarrel
range rapid reality reception reduce refer reflect reform regret regular relate reliable remind remote request require rescue reserve resist respect respond reward rough ruin rubbish
satellite scare scene score scream screen secret section seldom select senior sensitive shallow significance similar slightly slim smooth social society special standard straight strength struggle style succeed suffer supply surround survive systemhxw.red

如何度过闲暇时间 how people spend their leisure time

如何度过闲暇时间 how people sp

人们如何度过他们的闲暇时间 how people spend their lei…