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3。表因果关系的: since, as, because (of)/in that/as a result of , for, so, thus, therefore, as a result, so that, hence (,因此)
lead to ,result in (from), contribute to(促成,导致), consequently(正式)所以,因此 ,as a consequence, accordingly(正式) 从而,因此
1) The town was built near a bridge on the River Cam : hence the name Cambridge . 这座城镇建在康姆河上一座桥的附近,因此而得名为康桥(现名为剑桥)
2) This engine uses less fuel and is therefore better for the environment .
3) You have repeatedly failed to deliver the goods on time . We therefore feel that we have no alternative but to find another supplier. 你不只一次地没有按时交货。所以我们别无选择,只好另找一家供应商了解。
4) Luck and a good family background contributed to his success.
5) No canditate succeeded in obtaining a majority of the votes. Consequently new elections were held . 没有一位候选人得得票过半数,所以举行了新的选举。
6) We see that you have an income of less than 2000 pounds a yeas.Accordingly , we have decided to grant you free tuition . 我们发现你的年收入低于两千英镑。 因此,我们决定免去你的学费。
7) In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. 他们之所以有这种观点,主要基于以下两个因素:。。。
2. 表示递进关系的:furthermore, what's more ,moreover,incidentally, meanwhile, besides, particularly. similarly at the same time , in addition,
5。表条件关系的: if, on the condition (that), as /so long as, unless, or else, prividing/provided ( that )
when, after, before, until, as soon as, later, afterwards, soon, lately, recently, since, from then on, eventually, in the meantime, then, suddenly, at the same time, next, early this morning/year/century, after an interval(间歇,间隔), now, after, presently, later, afterward, somewhat later(稍后), finally,
at last, all of a sudden(突然,突如其来地),
above all, first of all, firstly, first, secondly, the , next, finally, in the end, at last,in the first/second/third /… place
8。表换一种方式表达: in other words, that is to say, to put it another way,
9。表进行举例说明: for instance, for example, like, such as,
10。表陈述事实: in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth
11。表总结: on the whole, in short, all in all, general, in a word, in conclusion, in closing, in summary.
汤姆有一只玩具熊,他非常喜欢他。每当他上学时,总是带着。有一天,汤姆在回家的路上把小玩具熊丢掉了,没有找着。汤姆感到非常难过。他姐姐听说了这件事,就给汤姆买了只新的。汤姆高兴地笑了。 他又有了一个新朋友。
一般表达:Tom had a little toy bear.He liked it very much . He went to school and took it . One day Tom lost his toy on his way back home . He didn’t find it . He was very sorry . His sister knew it and bought a new toy bear for him. Tom was happy . He has a new friend.

常常用的过度代词有:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词(this ,that ,those ,these )、不定代词(one ,ones )、疑问代词(what ,who ,which ,whose)等
李伟买了一台新电脑。这台电脑很先进但很贵,是日本产的。他把那一台兰颜色的旧电脑给了他爸爸。但是,他爸爸的书房很小,李伟只好帮爸爸把一些过时的书籍搬出去。不幸的是, 他搬运书时候把一个花瓶摔破了。他妈妈看见后很生气。
Li Wei bought a new computer yesterday . The computer is a modern but expensive computer . It was made in Japan . He gave the old computer to his father . The colour of the computer was blue. But his father’s study is very small , so he had to help his father move some of the books there away . These books are out of date. When he carried the books he broke a vase. His mother was very angry .

一. 使用标点进行过渡
我们公司几乎人人都有小气车, 国产的,而且跑得都挺好。 这些车的价钱不贵,一辆10万元左右,比较合理。我多次要求我父亲也买一辆,这使得他很不高兴。他常说, 骑自行车上下班对身体很有好处, 而且不污染空气。 他的话当然很有道理。
Almost everyone in our company has a car -----one made in China , and all of them are working very well .What’s more , each car just costs about 100,000 yuan ; the price of it is reasonable . But my father still rides a bicycle . Why doesn’t my fahter want to buy a car ? Does he have no enough money?Surely the answer is “No!”The reason why he doesn’t want to buy a car is that he wants to take exercise by riding a bike and he often says that riding a bicycle doesn’t pollute the air . Of course, what he says is quite rihgt .


二. 使用插入语进行过渡
一般:Li Hua studies math very hard
高级: .

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