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摘要:高考英语作文速成好文章-好学英文网全面为您提供-比较多,慢慢看吧,最好收藏joozone.com 以便日后之用。 遣词篇 (提示:该资料必须在课堂中完成才有效) 写文章首先要学会写句子,要学会写句子首先要了解句子这个家族中的各个成员。 一.英语的词类 二.10…

1. In such bad weather nobody can be able to drive very fast.
2. This room used to store food for future use .
3. She’s never been abroad , isn’t she ?
4. Mark teaches English in our school since he came to our city . l
5. The big fire put out in time with our help .
6. Don’t nervous ! Make yourself at home .
7. The Smiths were used to live with us when they traveled in China .
8. How long have you got engaged to the girl ?
9. The teacher taught English for 15 years before he came here.
10. The police is very busy now to keep order.
11. It’s three years since we learn English .
12. These animals must be taken good care.
13. It is not you but me who am on duty today .
14. My parents like you and I very much .
15. Could you get a couple of tickets to us ?
16. Why not treat them friendly , young man ?
17. Mr Smith , as well as his children have come to our city .,
18. This new film is frightened and some girls don’t like it at all .
19. The weather today seem much warmer than yesterday .
20. All the present people thoguht highly of my speech .
21. Do you have interesting something to tell us ?
22. The policeman told us not cross the street.
23. He made it a rul never get up late in the morning .
24. Some of the people there still are in heavy debt .
25. I’m afraid Jack lives here no longer .
26. Learn English isn’t so difficult as we expected.
27. There seems ( to be ) no need to help them , doesn’t it ?
1. 紧接着,那辆车在横过马路的时候妈这个人撞倒了。
The next month the car _____ the man while it ____ _____ the street .

2. 在我看来,学生应该有更多的时间来发展自己。
In my opinion , students _____ _____ have more time to develop themselves .
3. 我认为这是展示你的音乐才华的好机会。
I _____ this is a good chance for you to show your singing talent .
4. 在到达营地的路上,我们先去爬山,然后游泳过河。
On the way to the campsite , we ____ a hill and then ______ accrose a river .
5. 我建议网吧应该严谨监控,青少年应该有指导的上网
I suggest tht Internet bars _______ under strict supervision ( 监控)and yong kids ______ guided to surf the web.
6. 我已经为你找好了一个地方。
I _______ found a place for you .
7. 当听到北京申办2008年奥运会成功的消息时,我非常激动。
I ______ excited when I _______ that Beijing won the bid for the2008 Olympic Games .
8. 我需要自己带食物吗?
_______ I need to bring food with me ?
9. 你是个聪明的孩子,而且总是努力学习。(2003上海)
You are ________ _______ clever boy and always _______ ________ at study .
10 . 我相信你的前途充满希望。( 2003上海)
I’m sure that you will have a _______ ________
11. 知识是一种美(2003 上海)
Knowledge __________ _________
12. 有时候,一些人根据一个人的穿着打扮来判断一个人,但时间很快就会证明他们是错误的。(2003上海春季)
Sometimes some people _______ a person _____ the clothes _____ _______, but time will soon _____________ that they are wrong .
13. 谁在意爱因斯坦和居里夫人获奖时穿的是什莫衣服?(20003上海春季)
Who cares ______ Albert Einstein and Marie Curie were wearing when they _________ Nobel Prize ?
14. 我认为学校应该鼓励学生课余多锻炼。(2004 年北京)
I think the school should ________ the students _______ _______ more exercise _____ ________.
15. 11路公共汽车直接把你送到学校。(2003 年全国卷)
Bus No. 11 can _______ you _______ to the school
16. 有的青少年如此沉溺于网吧玩电子游戏,以至于忘记了回家的时间,而且身体也受到了损害。((2000年上海春季)
.Some kids ______ so lost playing computer games in the bars that they forget ________ go home , and their health ________ harmed.

( 九)走进高考------句不离篇

__________________________________ ( 近年来拥有手机的人越来越多)。 In 1995, only one person in a hundred had a mobile phone in some cities , showed as the above diagram . ______________________________________ (在1997,10%的人有手机)。 The number of the people who had mobile phones was ten times as many as in 1995. In 1999 , there were 20 persons in a hundred who had mobile phones. _________________________ (首先,手机制造的技术变化很快)。 Secondly , people’s income has been increasing quicly . ________________________________________________ ( 第三个原因是,手机在人们的生活中有永图)。They can communicte with others converniently . (2002年上海春季)hxw.red

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