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一般:Tom speaks Chinese very well and he is good at math too.
一般:Zhang Huan likes sports very much .
我们的班长是个女孩,她工作认真负责,关心每一个同学。 她学习努力,个门功课优秀, 数学成绩特别好。她还喜欢体育运动,是我们班上的排球主力。她给我们的树立了好旁样。
一般表达:Our monitor is a girl . She is responsible for her work and takes good care of her classmated . She studies very hard . She is good at all the subjects . Her math is especieally good . She likes sports . She is a key member of our volleyball team . She has set us a good example .
3. 常用插入语分类。
三. 段落连笔:


to one’s surprise , as you know, in short , presenting ( 显示出), to our regret , above all

Later in April , a photo show was held in our school . It was a great success. _________ , all the photes were taken by the students themselves . There were both black-and-white and colour photoes . _____ our school life , the beauty of nature , festival activities and so on . All the works of arts were on show in the reading room on the second floor . Every day , a large number of students went ot enjoy it and they were surprised to find that the pictures were so wonderful . _______ ,those whose photos were chosen the best were given unexpected prizes . ______ , this photo show really made our life colourful .


to my surprise , without hesitation , to my great joy , a few minutes later .
This afternoon , on my way to the cinema , I saw a case fall of a man’s bike . I shouted out to the man to stop . But _______ , he didn’t hear and rode away .
I was wondering what to do when I had an idea. ______ I stopped a taxi and got into it with the case . _____________ , soon we caught up with the man . Getting the case back , he was os thankful that he offered me some money , but I refused it politely .
_________ , the driver took me to the cinema ., When I paid him , the driver pushed my hand away and said with a smile , “ Neither will I accept your money .”

  what’s more , as you know , of course , much to one’s surprise , believe or not

__________,Jenny is a Cannadian girl. We have been pen pales for more than three years .________ , I found her information when I was reading an English magazine and ______, I wrote to her soon . In my first letter I introduced myself and told her something about my family . We keep in touch with each other by e-mail . ______ , we also talk about our school life and our future . And she will visit our city this summer.
1. 如今我们很难找到一个没有广告的公共场合。
Nowadays , it is ____________ to find a public place ________ __________ .

2. 我们从印刷品中读到广告,从电视上看到广告,从收音机中可以听到广告,甚至看一场球赛的时候,广告也会映入我们的眼帘。
We read ads ____in __ __the _____ _press____, see them __on____ the television , and hear them _over/on_____the radio, even when we watch a ball game , ads will _meet ___ __our __ __eyes _______.
3. 得确,广告在经济活动中起着越来越重要的作用.
It is true that in economic activities advertisements _are____ ___playing ___ a more and more __important___ ___role ___.

They tell people about new _______ and help ________ sales .

In this way they __stimulate____production and ___vitalize_____ economy . This is the big advantage .


Advertisemants also _______ people all kinds of ________ .

For instance , some of the _manufacturers ________ , in___________ __________ to win a big market for their products , are even so dishonest that they are _____________about their products .


People may ____ ______ ______ ads

__Besides/ Moreover / Furthermore______ , some adertisements __appeal _____ _to ______ children and they ask their parents constantly to buy them something in the ads .hxw.red

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