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摘要:高考英语作文速成好文章-好学英文网全面为您提供-比较多,慢慢看吧,最好收藏joozone.com 以便日后之用。 遣词篇 (提示:该资料必须在课堂中完成才有效) 写文章首先要学会写句子,要学会写句子首先要了解句子这个家族中的各个成员。 一.英语的词类 二.10…

4. As soon as the firefighters got to the factory , they began to put out the fire. As soon as they saw a few people still in the building house , they rushed into it to save them without hesitation .
5. Mother went to work in a hurry , and she didn’t have breakfast . She was as busy as a bee these days and came back home very late.
六.走进高考------词不离句  (体育运动类高分作文必背句子)

Many experts___________ ___________ that physical exercise _________ directly ____________ a person’s physical fitness.7?gu
2.. 孩子们正处于身体快速发育时期,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们未来的生活造成严重的影响。x;X
 Children are undergoing fast physical____________; ____________ ____________ physical exercise may __________ disastrous influence _______their later life.K.Hr;X
3. 通过体育锻炼,我们能够始终保持健康。b
By__________ ____________, we can always stay_____________.Gv+m/
4. 体育锻炼与健康息息相关。
Taking exercise /Having sports is closely related to health.<Yf."s
__________ ___________ is closely __________ ___________ health.< !40tZF
5. 在各种运动中¸我尤其喜欢慢跑。
________ _________ kinds of sports, I like jogging _________ _________ .
6. 50%的学生认为应该每天进行体育锻炼,不如做早操、打乒乓球、打篮球等,
55% of the students think they should__________ ___________every day , such as__________ morning exercises , __________ ping-pong ball and _________ basketball .
7. 尽管锻炼能增强体质,减少疾病,但锻炼的时间不该太长。
 _____________ exercise can ___________ one’s body and ____________ diseases, it shouldn’t ________ ___________ too much time .
The Olympic Games of 2008, ___________ is one of the most important __________ in the history of sports,_______ ________ _______ in Beijing . Every country in the world, _________ China, is _________ for it
Sports stars are very ________ ___________ people , especially _____________ students
The reason ________ sports are so popular ______ _______ sports can ____________ our body _________ .___________, they help us keep good _________ .
a) Now more and more families have their own cars. They have their own cars and they can go to work and take their children to school by car. It’s very convenient . In holidays , all the families can travel to some places or go to visit exhibition far away by car. They save a lot of their spare time . At present , people need more and more cars. It causes the car industry to develop more and more rapidly . With the development of car industry , the economy in China is developing rapidly , too. But a lot of problems are coming about . Traffice in cities is getting heavier and heavier . The environment is being polluted more and more seriously . We must solve these problems . Something must be done as soon as possible . (2002 年北京春季)
b) I’m very pleased because I learn that you and your classmates are learning Chines. I’d like to recommend the following two dictionaries . The English –Chinese Chinese-English is really a good one for beginners . It has many notes . They tell you how to use a word. Xinhus Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary . It has a vocabulary of 10,000 words . It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese . Of the two , ECCED is the more expensive . It costs 52 yuan , and XD costs 11 yuan

• 练  习
根据下列图画用英语写一篇短文,图中男子为Mr. Li。
• 内容要点:

• Mrs. Li 让Mr. Li照看厨房的饭;
• Mr. Li完全沉迷于球赛;
• Mrs. Li 回来闻到了糊味;
• 看到饭糊了,Mr. Li 这时才意识到自己的任务。
情景作文5   你目睹了一个勒索事件,请把事件经过写成一段约100词左右的短文。


• 内容要点
• (1)男孩放学时遇到勒索者;
• (2)两人相撞;
• (3)男青年称墨镜被撞坏;
• (4)男青年要男孩赔钱;
• (5)男孩难过地离开;
• (6)男青年自鸣得意。

谋篇篇 (一)hxw.red

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