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摘要:高考英语作文速成好文章-好学英文网全面为您提供-比较多,慢慢看吧,最好收藏joozone.com 以便日后之用。 遣词篇 (提示:该资料必须在课堂中完成才有效) 写文章首先要学会写句子,要学会写句子首先要了解句子这个家族中的各个成员。 一.英语的词类 二.10…

1)It’s like going to a huge library without have to walk around to find your books .
2) I look forward to hear from you soon .
1. On one year the average child wil see 25,ooo television programs .
2. The answere lies on the population explosion .
1. Watchinbg too many television will do great harm for our health .
It was very kind for them to meet us at the airport .
1.Unfortunately , there are too many people among my family .
Can you tell me something about the difference among English English and American English .
When I walked into the classroom the teacher was harding in the tests .
1. I enjoyed my stay in your whole family last week .
2. Thanks very much which inviting me to your birthday party on Saturday .
( 四)形容词/副词
1) I could describe myself as shy and quietly .
2) Finding information through Internet is easily .
3) We don’t care if the hunting dog smells badly , but we really don’t want him to smell bad .
1)Before my classmates , it seems always difficult for me to do things well as them .
附: 形容词三级的修饰语:
1)I still remember my middle school life in Tian Jin yet
2) Wherever I see them I will often think of my English teacher.,
3) I’d like to be your penfriend , and get to know more about your country .
1)There are many more happy mamories of the week that I will keep with me forever.
2) Now I can’t watch much television but a few years ago …..
1)A is taller than any students in Class 3 .
2) China is larger than any other country in Africa .
1) Xiamen is most beautiful city in China.
1)She is cleverer of the two sisters .
After he finished writing the first letter , he countinued writing the second one .
1)To say is easier than do
1) People like swimming in summer because water makes people feel cold .
2) Although he lives lonely , he does feel alone .
1. 一班在篮球比赛中赢了二班。
2. 在过去,女运动员不允许参加奥运会。
3. 他昨晚没有去参加宴会。
4. 这个地方值得参观。
5. 我们班大部分学生都是近视眼。
6. 你能把这个句子译成英语吗?
7. 当地政府必须采取措施阻止动物灭绝。
8. 我们班共有六十位学生。
9. 所有的老师都对他的教法做出了高度的评价。
10. 我们都知道地球是圆的。
11. 据说他出国了。
12. 我说的话使他生气。
13. 我住在一个房子里,这个房子的窗户面向南。
14. 我当医生的梦想终于实现了。
15. 他不仅是我们的老师,而且还是我们的朋友。
16. 树上长着许多苹果。
17. 几年前唐山发生了一场可怕的地震。
18. 我们将千方百计地帮助他。
19. 一所新的学校在一座教堂的遗址上建了起来。
20. 他吃得多,睡得好,很容易发胖。

六. 段落练笔

 The meeting over ten minutes , but Manger Ma didn’t come here yet . As you know , he never late for a meeting . May be he caught in a traffic jam . I did expect him to come to the meeting as soon as possible .

Most of Li Ming’s classmates become leaders or businessmen , but he is remained a dustman . He often said what he does also very important to others . He doesn’t discurage . On the countrary , he always in high spirits . We should learn him and try becoming useful builders for our society .

Learn English isn’t so difficulty as we expect. Anyone can learn English well if he put his heart into in : Practise English every day is of great important . If we keep practice listen , speak , read and write, we’ll learn it well sooner or later.

随着时间的推移,越来越多的人利用手机与他人沟通,而不是采用大固定电话的方式。 他们认为,使用手机要方便得多。然而,在中学,校园内手机是禁止使用的,因为学生的自控能力还不够强。
With time goes on , more and more people communicate with the others by cellphones instead of use telephones . They think much more convenient to use cellphones . However , using cellphones in middle schools are forbidden , middle school students are not old enough to control them. hxw.red

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